Every child is different, but it helps many new parents to know what milestones to look for throughout their baby’s development. Here’s a simple list of some milestones you can look for as your baby grows.
Birth to 3 Months:
- Pushes up on arms while lying on tummy
- Opens and closes fists
- Brings hands up to mouth
- Lifts and holds up head while lying on tummy
- Tracks a moving object with eyes while lying on back
- Smiles at voices or sounds
- Demonstrates interest in faces
- Makes eye contact
- Uses different cries for different needs (a hungry cry vs. a tired cry)
- Turns head toward voices or sounds
- Makes cooing noises
4 to 6 Months:
- Sits up using hands for support
- Rolls over from back to tummy and vice versa
- Reaches for toys while on tummy
- Uses both hands to feel toys
- Brings objects up to mouth
- More easygoing, not upset at everyday sounds
- Listens and responds when spoken to
- Shows reaction to sudden noises
- Demonstrates interest in food
- Opens mouth for spoon
7 to 9 Months:
- Sits up without support
- Transitions from tummy or back to a sitting position
- Picks up small objects with fingers and thumb
- Attempts to crawl
- Focuses on objects that are nearby and far away
- Recognizes sound of name
- Imitates sounds
- Shows recognition of some words/sounds
10 to 12 Months:
- Pulls up to stand and uses furniture for support
- Claps hands
- Enjoys listening to music
- Crawls toward objects
- Speaks one or two words
- Able to feed self with finger foods
- Uses gestures and hand movements to communicate wants and needs