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Sarah Creal Photography Logo, Virginia Based Photographer

Senior photographer Lawton, Oklahoma | Dasia

Oklahoma senior photographer, Lawton Oklahoma senior photographer

Senior photographer Lawton, Oklahoma

When I started pursuing photography as a career, I didn’t want to shoot high school seniors. Oklahoma changed my mind, however. I put out a model call on Facebook, and Dasia’s mom answered it. Dasia was the perfect senior photography model. She knew how to smile, pose and had the cutest outfits!! Dasia graduates this year and is also a champion cheerleader. After we spent a couple hours at the Fairmont Creamery, I decided I was hooked. I’m TOTALLY a senior photographer. senior photography senior photographer highschool senior poses high school senior photossenior photographer senior photography senior photos senior photography poses senior photographers senior photography high school senior Why couldn’t I have looked this good as a high school senior? Isn’t she just the cutest?!
senior photography high school senior photography graduation photos

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