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First birthday photo session | Lawton, Oklahoma Photographer

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Charlie and the Mac and Cheese Factory

I had so much fun with Charlie at his first birthday photo session! As a Lawton, Oklahoma photographer in my new studio, Charlie’s cake smash was my first there. I always include the baby’s favorite food as part of the first birthday pictures, and man was it a hit! He bathed himself in that Kraft mac and cheese, hahaha. His mom and I laughed the whole time. He had a bangup first birthday photo session.

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He liked his cake too, and he looked so classy in his Mr. ONEderful onesie with the bow tie. Charlie’s mom said it was his golden birthday, so she wanted to make sure and have black and gold decorations. So, we did!

Doesn’t he look so handsome with his fauxhawk?!! first birthday pics, oklahoma first birthday photos, oklahoma first birthday photo session, lawton oklahoma photos, lawton oklahoma photographers, okc photographers, okc photography, okc family pictures, okc family photos, okc cake smash, boy cake smash, boy birthday photos, boy birthday picturesokc photographers, okc photographer, okc newborn photographer, oklahoma city photographers, cake smash, boy first birthday pictures, boy first birthday, boy cake smash, boy cake smash photos, cake smash pictures, golden birthday, lawton photographers, lawton family photographers, chickasha photographers,oklahoma newborn photographers, oklahoma photographers, oklahoma photographer, lawton, oklahoma photographers, lawton, oklahoma photographer, okc photographers, okc family photographers, okc family pictures, oklahoma city photographers, chickasha photographers, chickasha, oklahoma photographers, first birthday photography, first birthday pictures, boy cake smash, boy first birthday, mr onederful, boy cake smash photosokc photographers, oklahoma city first birthday, oklahoma city photographer, okc newborn photographer, okc cake smash, cake smash session, cake smash photos, cake smash pictures, cake smash pics, first birthday pics, first birthday photo session, golden birthday, chickasha photographers, wichita falls photographers, wichita falls, texas photographers, wichita falls photographer, oklahoma pictures, oklahoma photo studiofort sill photographers, military photographers, first birthday, first birthday cake smash, cake smash photos, cake smash pictures, first birthday pictures, first birthday pics, baby pics, baby photos, lawton, oklahoma photographers, duncan oklahoma photographer, okc photographer, oklahoma city photographers, okc newborn photographer, okc child photographers, okc pictureslawton, Oklahoma photographers, lawton photographer, fort sill photographers, oklahoma photographer, oklahoma photographers, oklahoma newborn photographer, lawton, oklahoma newborn photographercake smash, first birthday cake, golden birthday, lawton photographers, okc photographers, wichita falls photographers, wichita falls, texas photographers, wichita falls photographers, oklahoma city photographers, lawton photographer, lawton photographers, lawton, oklahoma photographers, duncan, oklahoma photographers, chickasha oklahoma photographers, cake smash, first birthday photos, first birthday pictures, first birthday photo session, first birthday cake, first birthday cake smash, kraft macaroni and cheese, kraft mac and cheese,

Happy Birthday, Charlie! I hope you have an amazing second year of life.

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