Fort Sill, OK newborn photographer | Kaiser

Fort Sill, OK newborn photographer, local newborn photographers, breastfeeding photos

Fort Sill, OK newborn photographer

I told Jakki I was one of the local newborn photographers when we met at Bunco in January. She began to tell me all about her pregnancy with Kaiser. She had been dealing with severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum her entire pregnancy and couldn’t wait to meet her little man for a lot of reasons. HG causes severe nausea, vomiting and often weight loss, which put her in the hospital several times. Jakki had been looking for a Fort Sill, OK newborn photographer for birth photos and newborn baby photos.

Jakki also wanted some photographs of Kaiser showing off his rainbow baby status and some special moments while she breastfed him. It was very important for her to share and remember how tiny he was at the beginning.

This little man had perfect skin and was SO sweet his entire newborn session.

Fort Sill, OK newborn photographerFort Sill, OK newborn photographerlocal newborn photographers Fort Sill, OK newborn photographerBreastfeeding photos Fort Sill, OK breastfeeding photographyFort Sill, OK newborn photographer, local newborn photographers, breastfeeding photos

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